Why should you join CCN @ MSU?
Here are 7 of the many reasons you should join CHANGE Collegian Network at Montclair State University in SC 415 on Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:30PM for our main meetings [worship, Bible study, apologetics, or evangelistic outreaches] and Thursdays @ 9:30AM - 11:15AM for our prayer and devotional Bible studies!
Strengthen or Develop a Close Relationship with Jesus Christ
Our weekly meetings will not only include awesome worship and group prayer, but we will be digging into the Word of God, teaching the glorious depth of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Whether you are a Christian who regularly performs exegetical studies of the Word of God, a new believer, or a seeker, you will enjoy diving into foundational theology with us!
Cultivate Your Faith Among Other Believers Who Will Challenge You to Grow Closer to Christ
Iron sharpens iron! As family in the faith, we encourage others to diligently seek the Lord, constantly renewing our minds in Christ. On a campus that is filled with temptation, our
relationship with one another is more than just acquaintances. We are here to encourage one another while it is still today, and be conformed to the image of Christ while esteeming our brethren higher than ourselves!
Learn How to Lovingly and Effectively Share Your Faith with Everyone from Atheists to Individuals of Other Religious Backgrounds
Want to share the gospel with others but don't know what to say? Is your faith wavering because of strange philosophies taught in class that is contrary to your faith? Our fellowships include apologetics. What is that? Apologetics - n. (used with a sing. verb) The branch of theology that is concerned with defending or proving the truth of Christian doctrines.
Put What You Learn into Immediate Practice with the Help of the Team
We don't only teach how to share your faith, we also go out and share our faith on campus together. Get "hands-on" training in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ with people of various beliefs and worldviews in a group setting. We are here to walk alongside you! So, if you are looking for a challenge to grow, this is the place!
Become Part of a Team and Help Bring AMAZING Life-Changing Events to the Campus
Our goal is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone on campus. One of the ways are sharing the good news is through creative mediums and special guest speaker events. Come join our team and help plan these eternally beneficial campus events, including a Christian rap concert in the Quad, a special speaker advocating for persecuted Christians around the world, and our educational First Amendment Rights event! We are looking for Christians who are willing to contribute to the phenomenal CHANGE that is about to occur on the MSU campus through Christ!
Become Part of a Family and Take Part in Eternally Beneficial Off-Campus Events
Once a month, campuses with
CCN fellowships get together to experience
"CCN Saturday", a day
separated to the Lord for fasting, praying, worship, Word, one to one evangelism and open-air preaching in New York City and other cities in New Jersey. Come and labor alongside other Christians, who have a heart to serve the Lord! We also have other off-campus activities, such as
conferences on issues concerning the faith.
Bring Your Creative Ideas to the Table and Help the Campus Learn about Christ
As a CCN member, your ideas for bringing the gospel to the campus can help build and drive the team. Every member is important and needed to fulfill Christ's prayer for laborers. What a fulfilling role it is to help drive the ministry forward as we are led of the Lord to bring this eternal message of hope to the students of MSU! CCN members are an intricate part of an amazing vision and its fulfillment! Be the answer to Christ's prayer for laborers!
Be part of something greater than ourselves! Be part of what CHRIST is doing on campus!
See you on Tuesdays 2:30PM to 4:30PM and Thursdays 9:30AM to 11:15AM in SC 415!