Expelled Documentary Night: Success!
We thoroughly enjoyed our event viewing of the controversial documentary, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Afterward, we engaged the attendees in great conversation and everyone was able to express their thoughts. The conversations were very engaging as we were happy to have members of the philosophy and religion club on campus come out and express their views! The gospel was also shared before the film and literature was available for all to take.
Overall we had a great time, learned more about the Intelligent Design/Evolution debate, made some new friends, and best of all, we got to share Christ!
CCN Saturday was a BLAST!
Going with our theme of Evolution vs. Intelligent Design, which we have been studying all semester, we had a great special guest speaker at CCN Saturday: Dr. Gerald Lenner of NJ Science Club. He gave a very clear presentation called "I Prefer Experimental Science", which discusses the problems with the theory of evolution.
Then, as we always do in CCN Saturday, we enjoyed a time of amazing group prayer, outreach, and fellowship. Check out the pics below and see what the Lord did!

Click on the pictures above and below to enlarge.

Praise the Lord for what He did again on another awesome, God anointed CCN Saturday!
Come out to our NEXT CCN Saturday: Saturday, April 18th 10AM - 5PM
Meeting @ MSU. Room TBA
Come and join us at the 5th Annual NAACP awards. We will be sharing the message of Jesus Christ, reppin' the King, and giving out free literature, while supporting the event! Don't miss it! We need your support and prayers.
Date: Wednesday, April 8th (7PM - 11PM)
Location: MSU Student Center Dining Room (next to the Ballrooms)
Fellowships this Week
Fellowships this Week
Main Meeting: Worship, Bible Study/Foundational Theology, Apologetics, or Evangelistic Outreaches
[We have an important meeting this week! So, don't miss it!]
Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:00PM
Location: SC418 (Student Center)
Breakfast, Word, and Prayer
Be prepared for an awesome WORD this week. Learn more prophesy and about the Sabbath Day rest.
Thursdays @ 9:30AM - 11:00AM
Location: Student Center Cafeteria by the windows [Look for our table sign and/or red table cloth]
Looking forward to seeing you there! Mark 16:15