Kick-Off Fellowship!
CHANGE Collegian Network (CCN)
Class III of the SGA Christian Fellowship
Tuesday, Sept. 8th @ Student Center Rm 418
Join us as we come together after Summer break to enjoy one another's fellowship and to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ!
Are you new? Come out and meet new people!
CCN member? Come and bring a friend or a few!
Main Fellowship: Worship, Bible Study, Apologetics - Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:00PM
Join us as we come together to celebrate our Lord Jesus through group worship, learn foundational theology through Bible study and apologetics.
Location: SC418 (Student Center) starting Septemeber 8th!
Breakfast, Bible, and Prayer - Thursdays @ 9:30AM - 11:00AM
Come on out and enjoy your breakfast with friends. Then, let us know your prayer needs, pray for one another, and study God's Word and ask questions. Outreaches are held on specified days (TBA).
Location: Student Center Cafeteria by the windows [Look for our table sign and/or table cloth] starting Septemeber 10th!
Semester Events
On Campus Events
Tuesday, Sept. 22nd @ 8PM to 10PM - "Poetry Showcase: Words of Life". Join us as we showcase the art of Spoken Word and other artistic talent. Refreshments will be served. Location: Student Center Ballroom A & B
Tuesday, Oct. 13th @ 8PM - 10PM - CCN Movie Night: "Fireproof". Come out and enjoy snacks and a movie at the Ratt and watch a movie that will make you both laugh and cry!Location: The Ratt in the Student Center
Thursday, Nov. 12th @ 8:00PM to 10PM - "Rap @ The Ratt" Concert. Come out and party with us as we listen to bangin' rap music at The Ratt! Come early... Only 100 people max! Location: The Ratt in the Student Center
Note: Monthly Outreaches are held on Thursday mornings in place of Breakfast, Bible, and Prayer on selected days. Will be announced on blog and in fellowships.
Off Campus Events
Saturday, Sept. 26th, Oct. 31st, Nov. 21st, Dec. 12th @ 10AM to 4PM - "CCN Saturday" -Prayer, Worship, Word, Street Evangelism, Open-Air Preaching in the local community or New York City. Learn more. Location: Watch blog for updates
Saturday, Oct. 16th @ 7:30PM to 9PM - "Noah’s Ark – A Feasibility Study" Lecture by Mr. Jason Browning: Could Noah really have built an ark and gathered all those animals inside? Learn about some possible answers. Location: Sayre Woods Bible Church on Route 9 South in Old Bridge, NJ (Pick-up @ MSU is 6:30PM/Confirm your attendance: contact@changeyourcampus.net).
Friday, Nov. 13th @ 7:30 - 9:30PM - "Noah's Flood and the Sterling Hill Mine, NJ." Lecture by Mr. Nathan Smith: Hear about the unique geology of the Sterling Hill Mine (in Ogdensburg, NJ) and how Noah’s Flood provides a good explanation for it. Location: Sayre Woods Bible Church on Route 9 South in Old Bridge, NJ (Pick-up @ MSU is 6:30PM/Confirm your attendance: contact@changeyourcampus.net).
For more info and to keep up-to-date, bookmark our MSU CCN Blog!
Questions? contact@changeyourcampus.net
Want to know more about Who Jesus is and why it is essential that you put your faith and trust in Him alone? www.needgod.com