Same Time... Same Place...

Come out and join us as we continue our lesson on The Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone. Learn where in the Bible, God says that:
- We are forgiven by unmerited favor (grace) through faith in Jesus Christ alone, apart from any other good work
- Our best deeds are like filthy rags in the eyes of God!
- There is only One mediator between man and God - the man Christ Jesus. We cannot get to God the Father without faith in His Son, Jesus Christ
Come learn how every religious system that tries to earn Heaven falls short according to God's Word!
Worship, Bible Study/Foundational Theology, Apologetics, or Evangelistic Outreaches
Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:30PM in SC 415 [Student Center]
Breakfast and Prayer
Thursdays @ 9:30AM - 11:15AM in Student Center Cafeteria [Look for our table sign]