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CCN is BACK for another semester of glorifying Jesus Christ on campus!.
It is time to "gather the troops", get suited up, equipped, and ready to make a CHANGE at Montclair State University, as well as grow in holiness and closer to the Lord!
Welcome back, friends and members of CHANGE Collegian Network (CCN). For all of you, who have recently joined our mailing list and are interested in coming out to CCN, now is the time to join us! Check out our upcoming fellowship meetings:
Upcoming Events
Saturday, January 24th (3PM - 6PM) - "CCN Planning Dinner" - Join us as we gather, break bread and plan our semester. We have great events, including a Christians Rap Concert in the Quad, Expelled Movie Night (about scientists, who are ostracized from the scientific community for not subscribing to evolutionary thought), and other possible events such as praise and worship in the Quad. Come, eat, and bring your ideas. The cost of the meal will be divided up, but we are projecting about $5 per person, depending on how many attend. Location: TBA (stay tuned to your email)
Saturday, January 24th (3PM - 6PM) - "CCN Planning Dinner" - Join us as we gather, break bread and plan our semester. We have great events, including a Christians Rap Concert in the Quad, Expelled Movie Night (about scientists, who are ostracized from the scientific community for not subscribing to evolutionary thought), and other possible events such as praise and worship in the Quad. Come, eat, and bring your ideas. The cost of the meal will be divided up, but we are projecting about $5 per person, depending on how many attend. Location: TBA (stay tuned to your email)
Tuesday, January 27th (2:30PM - 4PM) and every Tuesday thereafter - "Main Fellowship Kick-Off" - Come out for our Kick-Off fellowship and join us each Tuesday thereafter for an awesome time of worship, praise, foundational theology (study of God) , training in sharing our faith with others biblically (evangelism), and apologetics (the branch of theology that focuses on defending the Truths of the Bible). Grow in faith, your knowledge of the Word, and your ability to share the Word of God with others. Glorify God during your college years! Don't waste a minute. Location: TBA (stay tuned to your email).
Tuesday, January 27th (2:30PM - 4PM) and every Tuesday thereafter - "Main Fellowship Kick-Off" - Come out for our Kick-Off fellowship and join us each Tuesday thereafter for an awesome time of worship, praise, foundational theology (study of God) , training in sharing our faith with others biblically (evangelism), and apologetics (the branch of theology that focuses on defending the Truths of the Bible). Grow in faith, your knowledge of the Word, and your ability to share the Word of God with others. Glorify God during your college years! Don't waste a minute. Location: TBA (stay tuned to your email).
Thursday, January 29th (9:30AM - 11AM) and every Thursday thereafter - "Breakfast, Prayer, & Bible" - Start your morning off right with prayer and the Word on January 29th and every Thursday thereafter. During our morning fellowships, we listen to the needs of one another, pray for one another, and encourage one another in our walk with Christ. We also study His Word to discover how we can grow in holiness and resemble our ultimate example: Jesus Christ.
We look forward to seeing you @...