Monday, February 23, 2009

CCN: "EVILution"/Lessons on Man/Womanhood/ Plus, SATURDAY EVENT!!!!!

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This Week's Fellowship Topics...
Tuesday: The "Science" of Evolution - Learn more about how unscientific evolution is. As Christians, we believe that in the beginning God created, not in the beginning absolutely nothing randomly became something which randomly became everything.
Thursday: Godly Womanhood/Manhood - By special request, we are teaching on godly womanhood/manhood. Come out and learn more about how to walk godly in Christ as a male/female.  
Tuesday Fellowship:
Same Time: Tuesday 2:30PM - 4PM
Same Place: SC 418 (Student Center)

Join us again this Thursday morning for Breakfast, Bible, and Prayer...
Thursday Morning Breakfast, Bible, and Prayer:
Same Time: Thursday morning 9:30AM - 11PM
Same Place: Student Center Caf (table by the windows, look for our red table cloth ans CCN Sign)


Join Us THIS SATURDAY for CCN Saturday @ MSU and Newark!*
Saturday, Feb. 28th: 10:00AM - 7:00PM    
Join us for a day of prayer, worship, Word, street evangelism, one-to-one and subway open-air preaching. Meeting Place: Montclair State University - 1 Normal Avenue, Montclair, NJ. Located in Partridge III.
We hope to see you there and invite others: FWD this message!