Top TEN Common Questions and Objections
to the Christian Faith
This Tuesday, we are gathering @ our regular time and place to learn how to answer some of the most common objections/questions to the Christian Faith. This fellowship will not only help you answer other people when they ask, but it may also answer some questions for you! So, c'mon on out!
Main Meeting: Worship, Word/Foundational Theology, Apologetics
Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:00PM
Location SC418 (Student Center)
Breakfast, Word, and Prayer
Thursdays @ 9:30AM - 11:00AM
Student Center Cafeteria by the windows [Look for our table sign and/or red table cloth]
CCN Saturday w/Special Guest!
Our once a month dedication to the Lord. We gather together for a day of prayer, worship, Word, evangelism, open-air preaching, and dinner fellowship.
Topic: Proving The Validity of the Bible with Special Guest Pastor Andrew Rappaport of http://www.strivingforeternity.org/
Next Date: Saturday, May23rd (10am-5pm)
Location: TBA
Check the blog for updates and information, as well as below in our "events" listing.
Head's Up!
On Tuesday, April 28th, we are having our "CCN Friends Picnic" in the Blanton/Bohn Quad! See you there for free BBQ and fellowship. We will also be handing out free Bibles, tracts, and literature! 2PM - 4PM