Once again, it's BACK! Plus, something NEW...
Prayer - Worship - Word - Evangelism Training - Apologetics - Fellowship

Join us on Friday Night, July 16th @ 7PM - 9PM in South Orange, NJ for a great time of Summer fellowship in the Lord! Future dates TBA.
Confirm your attendance via email: contact@changeyourcampus.net. Due to limited space, we need a head count. Email for specific location.
This month: Test your knowledge in apologetics and fundamental Christian theology through this exciting group theology/apologetics game that promotes learning about different religions, heresies, theology, and worldviews!
Answer the question right and propel your team to the finish line! Answer it wrong and your team may miss winning the SPECIAL GRAND PRIZE! Whether you are new at apologetics, a Bible whiz or a new believer, this fun game is sure to grow you in your faith and ability to defend the gospel by the end of the night!
Please note: CCN Saturday has been replaced by Jersey Fire this month featuring speaker Mark Cahill
To learn more about this FREE boardwalk outreach or to reserve your spot, visit www.jerseyfire.net!
Confirm your attendance for either event via email: contact@changeyourcampus.net.