Monday, September 13, 2010

Great Advice from an Atheist! Plus, come out this week to CCN...

Above: Well-known atheist Penn Jillette tells us Christians what is only obvious about evangelism (aka "proselytizing")... Watch the whole video w/focus on 3:00 - 4:20. Please pray for Penn's salvation. 

Weekday On-Campus Fellowships & Off-Campus Outreach and Events

COME OUT TO CCN THIS WEEK and Glorify the LORD on MSU through on-campus Bible study, worship, prayer, apologetics, and evangelism!

Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:00PM Starting Sept. 14th
Location: Student Center - SC 417 (view map)

Wednesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:30PM Starting Sept. 15th
Location: Student Center Annex Room 206 (view map)