Testimony Tuesdays
Every Tuesday @ 1:30PM - SC Quad
Each Tuesday, we come together in the SC Quad to lift up the Name of Jesus unashamed!
Event Description: Do you want to share your testimony about how you came to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ? Want to share why you love Jesus? Can you sing? Want to share a poem about Jesus? Want to read scripture out loud? Preach a Word? Want to pray for people? Whatever you can do for the LORD, come and share it with the MSU students @ Testimony Tuesdays!
*If you are a Christian, we want you to come out and support this event! Come gather around and worship Jesus Christ with us out in the quad! If you have a musical instrument, please bring it!

Jesus Awareness Week presents "Bible Trivia for Prizes"
Tuesday, October 19th
@ 6:30PM - 9:00PM -
SC Ballrooms
Event Description: Win GIFT CARDS for answering Bible Trivia questions!
Jesus Awareness Week (JAW) is a co-sponsored event with Cru, XA, and IVFC. Throughout the week of 10/18, evening events from all 4 groups are hosted. Flyers available in fellowship!