Join us as we begin a series on
The Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone
The most significant difference between Christianity and other belief systems is the belief in how one is made right with God. In other words, how does a human being, who is a sinner by nature (breaking the commandments of God) able to have right standing before the Holy, Sinless Judge of the universe?
Some believe that you must have faith and perform good works to "merit" God's approval, be forgiven of sin, and enter Heaven. Others believe you must have faith and be baptized or have faith and keep the Saturday sabbath in order to be right with God, and so on.
However, Christians believe that we are saved from the punishment of our sins simply by faith alone in Jesus Christ. This is called the Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone.
Can you prove this foundational theology to an unbelievers through scripture?
We invite you to come out for prayer, worship, and the Word of God @ CHANGE Collegian Network (CCN) at MSU:
Tuesdays 2:30PM - 4:30PM - SC 415 [Main Meeting - Theology/Apologetics]
Thursdays 9:30AM - 11:15AM - SC 415 [Prayer & Devotional Bible Study]

We had an excellent time at the Voice of the Martyrs Conference in Old Bridge, NJ on Friday the 27th! Now, we are gearing up for our next...
CCN Saturday
Join us for a day of prayer, worship, Word, street evangelism, one-to-one and open-air preaching in Newark, NJ.
Meeting Place: MSU SC 415
Date/Time: This Saturday, Oct. 11th - 10AM - 4PM
Watch a short video about CCN Saturday!
Contact us at tiffany@changeyourcampus.net to confirm your attendance...