We had a great weekend together, filled with the Word of God, evangelism, fellowship, worship, apologetics training, open-air preaching, lives that were touched, people coming to repentance and faith in Christ, and many praise reports!
Here is a quick recap...
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"What's New in Creation Research?"
On Friday, we attended an awesome event about Creation Science. It was very informative and included highlights of 2008 International Conference on Creationism, which included a new state of the art genetic mutation simulation program that absolutely demonstrates the impossibility of mutation + natural selection producing genome.

As usual, our monthly CCN Saturday was wonderfully blessed, as we joined together for a day of fasting, prayer, worship, Word, one-to-one street evangelism, open-air preaching and godly fellowship!

We begun the day at Montclair State University, gathering for prayer, worship, and the Word of God. The message was on boldness.

We hit the streets for one-to-one evangelism and open-air preaching. There were many Muslims and professing Christians, who were not born-again and often clearly admitted so. We lovingly shared the gospel with them, filled with compassion, urgency, and boldness...
The brethren from Ramapo College of New Jersey stopped by with Blair Wingo, a wonderful sister in the Lord and poet, who performed a poetic evangelistic outreach at the college the night before.
One of the many testimonies: Some of the CCN members came out for the first time to share their faith after learning how in their CCN fellowship. Among them was Malita, who led a young woman, Laticia, to Christ.
Laticia made a profession of faith and was extremely grateful for the conversation. We exchanged information and she eagerly listened to our warnings about the trials, temptations, and tribulations that were sure to come. We instructed her to hold fast to Jesus, who would uphold her. When we asked how she felt, she said that she was so relieved to finally have "hope", referring to her life and afterlife. We assured her that Jesus is indeed our only hope.
There were many other testimonies of open hearts and grateful listeners that greatly encouraged us and brought such joy. Christ was truly glorified in Newark on Saturday!

Afterwards, we broke bread in the Student Center at Montclair State University. It was a joyous time of celebration and praise!
We pray that you will make it out to our future activities and current fellowships! Why miss out on what God is doing?

Main Meeting: Worship, Bible Study/Foundational Theology, Apologetics, or Evangelistic Outreaches
Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:30PMGroup
Prayer & Devotional Bible Study
Thursdays @ 9:30AM - 11:15AM
SC 415 [Student Center]

Don't miss our upcoming Special Events...

Tuesday, Oct. 28th @ 7PM - 9PM - "Your Right to Believe and Speak: Know Your First Amendment Rights" Speaker from The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (TheFire.org) Located in "The Ratt" (downstairs of Montclair State University Student Center)
Saturday, November 8th 5:30PM - 9PM - CCN Second Annual Fundraising Dinner. Join us for dinner. Be our guest, bring friends, and learn more about CCN. We are not only praying for financial and prayer partners. We also want to share how the Lord is using CCN to strengthen the local church body. Come out, bring your Pastor and some friends! Located at Community Baptist Church 211 Demott Lane Somerset, New Jersey.
Wednesday, Nov. 12th @ 3PM - 5PM - "The Voice of the Martyrs" Speaker from The Voice of the Martyrs (Persecution.com), a ministry serving persecuted Christians world-wide, who are suffering death and torture for their faith. Located in the University Center at Montclair State University, Room UN 1050.
We hope to see you there!