For those who were not able to attend our first big event for the semester (co-sponsored with Speaking Through Silence (STS), it was a wonderful blessing! The gospel was preached through poetry, psalms, and song! To hear more about the wonderful time had by all, please join us at our upcoming weekly gatherings on Tuesdays @ 2:30PM (SC 418) and Thursdays @ 9:30Am - 11AM in SC Cafeteria (see below).

Special thanks goes to Cecilee and Dorothy for working so diligently in making this event a success. A very special thank you to Javier, STS President and Ashely, who is both an STS and CCN member. You all were used by God to make this event one glorifying to Him!
Do you ever get side tracked when sharing the gospel with someone?
This Tuesday's teaching is going to help you keep on the path when you are being provoked to go off into "rabbit trails" when sharing about Jesus Christ with others. Come on out! There is so much to learn that God has waiting for you!
Fellowship: Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:00PM * Location: SC418 (Student Center)*
Breakfast, Bible, and Prayer
Come on out and enjoy your breakfast with friends! Then, let us know your prayer needs, pray for one another, and study God's Word and ask questions.
Thursdays @ 9:30AM - 11:00AM * Location: Student Center Cafeteria by the windows (Look for our table sign and/or table cloth)
We look forward to having you, friend!