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Today's Christ-Centered Events on Campus
Self-Analysis for CHRIST: How are you doing on your fulfilling God's Mission for your life?
Find out today in our AWESOME FELLOWSHIP!
TODAY @ 2:30PM - 4PM SC418.
Main Fellowship: Worship, Bible Study, Apologetics
Join us as we come together to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ through group worship, learning foundational theology through Bible study, studying Christian apologetics (defense of the faith) through exploring/comparing/constrasting other religions/worldviews.
Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:00PM
Location SC418 (Student Center)
Tuesdays @ 2:30PM - 4:00PM
Location SC418 (Student Center)

Don't miss our FIRST Big Event for the Semester @ MSU!
Words of Life: Poetry Showcase
Poetic Enthusiast * Cecilee
Dorothy "Flaso" Dot Scott
& additional special guests
Poetic Enthusiast * Cecilee
Dorothy "Flaso" Dot Scott
& additional special guests
CLICK HERE to RSVP for this event on Facebook
Tuesday, September 22nd @ 8PM – 10PM
Montclair State University
Student Center Ballrooms A & B
FREE Entry. FREE Food.
Tuesday, September 22nd @ 8PM – 10PM
Montclair State University
Student Center Ballrooms A & B
FREE Entry. FREE Food.
Bring your friends!
Sales of our specially made baked goods will be sold to raise funds for future CCN event outreaches. We appreciate your support!
*Sponsored by CHANGE Collegian Network (CCN) – Class III Organization of SGA
Speaking Through Silence (STS) – Class III Organization of the SGA
Speaking Through Silence (STS) – Class III Organization of the SGA
For more info, check out CCN's Blog @ www.changeMSU.blogspot.com and/or email contact@changeyourcampus.net